Real Reasons Behind Her Death (DUMBARI NBAKPONE)..RIP

This Young Girl, Dumbari Nbakpone was shot yesterday by an unknown gun men in Ogoni @Bori...According to eye an witness..

'She was at their shop selling drinks like any other day when a man walked into the shop to buy something unknown to her this man was a wanted man... Guess what... an unknown bullet that was targeted at the man killed both the target and this young girl from Kaani in Khana LGA. RIP'

 She schooled at Kensaro Wiwa Comprehensive Secondary school.. And goes to the Apostolic Church @ Bori

 Her death for the last 24hrs have been a great lost for her family, friends and love ones...Her pictures is all over the social Media...(Facebook)...Really a great lost

RIP..Dumbari Nbakpone....we will miss you

More photos....

Real Reasons Behind Her Death (DUMBARI NBAKPONE)..RIP Real Reasons Behind Her Death (DUMBARI NBAKPONE)..RIP Reviewed by Constance on December 24, 2016 Rating: 5

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such a sad incidence ...sleep on till we will all meet again to part no more.

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