Happy 74th Birthday President Muhmmadu Buhari


Today, the President of Nigeria Clock a year Older , President Muhammadu Buhari turns 74 yrs old, and he is still Very strong, healthy and agile.

In his birth week, Mr President has had to fly Abuja-Monrovia-Freetown-Banjul-Monrovia-Freetown-Abuja-2017 Budget-Lagos-Abuja fot his Daughter's Wedding

Just to say how active And healthy he still is.

I want to wish Mr President Muhammad Buhari a happy birthday, longlife and fulfillment in God's Grace.

Happy 74th Birthday President Muhmmadu Buhari Happy 74th Birthday President Muhmmadu Buhari Reviewed by Constance on December 17, 2016 Rating: 5

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