Rsust SUG PRESIDENT (DAD ) pay a visit to Law Student That is diagnosed With Kidney Failure (Save a life Today)

In Aluta: An Injury to One is an Injury to All.

I had mix feelings in my brief visit to Save A Life Foundation were i went to consolidate with a fellow student (Happiness Amaa. Faculty of Law, level 200) who has been diagnosed with kidney failure and needs urgent Kidney transplant to save her life. The doctor claims she has 3 months left to live and the cost of the kidney transplant is about N10million.
I use this medium to declare A STATE OF EMERGENCY in the Student community of Rivers State University of Science and Technology. I also invite all Faculty and Departmental Presidents to an emergency meeting on Monday 21st November at the SUG Parliament, i also call on every good and well meaning student of RSUST to kindly donate based on capacity to help save her life.

You can donate directly to her bank account with this details
Bank Details :

Name: Amah Happiness.
Bank: Access Bank.
Account number : 0718678746.
Rsust SUG PRESIDENT (DAD ) pay a visit to Law Student That is diagnosed With Kidney Failure (Save a life Today) Rsust SUG PRESIDENT (DAD ) pay a visit to Law Student That is diagnosed With Kidney Failure (Save a life Today) Reviewed by Constance on November 20, 2016 Rating: 5

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