ITC In Nigeria Vs Kenya. Nigeria Youths And Inferiority complex- Technology

We've seen many Nigerian youths and some unpatriotic and ignorant adults like Reno Omokri on social post shallow and unintelligent pictures of of Minister of communication and another man from Kenya for some illogical and irrational comparisons about looks and fashion.

1. Nigeria is the dominant ICT hub in Africa, many times larger than Kenya

2. Nigeria has more ICT investments in that any other country in Africa including Kenya

3. Nigeria has more ICT entrepreneurs and HUBs than Kenya

4. Nigeria's ICT innovations from online businesses to Job and recruitment engines are the largest in Africa

5. Facebook CEO and founder just 1 day in Kenya, but spent several days in Nigeria engaging not only the ICT side of our economy, but also entertainers, digital businesses and marketers and film makers and even returned to Nigeria for more ICT events and dialogue with the Leadership in Nigeria.

6. Facebook CEO himself personality invested tens of millions of dollars in our ICT sector which is a strong affirmation and believe in our strong ICT economy.

Kenya is nowhere close to Nigeria when it comes to ICT so of what relevance is what their ICT person looks like or what he wears.?

Looks and fashion is not a sing of greatness or smarts, me dressing and looking better than you doesn't mean I'm smarter and more successful than you.

For our ICT to be better than Kenya several times over, it means we have better ICT environment than Kenya and the rest of Africa.

What is driving such ignorant ICT sentiments from the likes of Reno Omokri and many ignorant and thoughtless Nigerian youths is inferiority complex, ignorance and low self esteem.

While many Nigerians including the ICT sector are working hard and contributing to our economy and our greatness, these shallow characters with inferiority complex are busy crying and worrying about looks and fashion..

Nigeria is great and so it shall remain regardless our challenges...
ITC In Nigeria Vs Kenya. Nigeria Youths And Inferiority complex- Technology ITC In Nigeria Vs Kenya. Nigeria Youths And Inferiority complex- Technology Reviewed by Constance on September 04, 2016 Rating: 5

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